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In the Classroom

Making Predictions



Gather students on the carpet and prompt them to take a seat. Engage their attention by announcing an upcoming storytelling session. Share a snippet of a personal anecdote, perhaps from a vacation or a trip to the store. Pause deliberately after setting the scene, encouraging students to anticipate what unfolds.

Encourage participation by inviting responses from various students. Emphasize the importance of prediction-making in compelling reading or listening. Construct an anchor chart elucidating the concept of prediction alongside other pertinent terms.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop predictive skills while engaging with stories.
  • Utilize sequencing words such as “first,” “then,” and “last” to organize narrative events effectively.

For detailed lesson planning, access the downloadable PDF.


Download Full Lesson Plan: Making Predictions


By implementing the activities outlined in this lesson plan, students will not only enhance their ability to make predictions while listening to stories but also refine their use of sequencing words like “first,” “then,” and “last.” These foundational skills are crucial for fostering comprehension and narrative organization. For further guidance and resources, refer to the downloadable PDF.

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In the Classroom

Mindful Movement and Stillness



Mindful Movement and Stillness

Encourage students to contemplate the concept of “mindful” and its significance. Define “mindful” as the practice of being fully present in the current moment, emphasizing awareness of one’s surroundings. Prompt students to speculate on the meaning of “mindful movement.”

Engage students in a discussion regarding the combination of “mindful” and “movement.” Encourage them to deduce that if mindfulness involves present-focused attention and movement pertains to physical motion or locomotion, then “mindful movement” likely involves purposeful, attentive actions.

Introduce the term “stillness” to the class and inquire if they are familiar with it. Clarify that “stillness” denotes a state of being motionless or maintaining physical tranquility. Transition the discussion to the idea that today’s lesson will encompass both mindful movement and cultivating stillness.

Learning Objectives

This lesson aims to facilitate a deeper understanding among students regarding the interconnectedness of their emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations. By exploring the practices of moving mindfully and cultivating stillness, students will discover effective strategies for regulating their emotions.

Throughout this lesson, students will engage in activities designed to promote mindfulness in movement and discern the distinctions between mindful walking and the state of stillness. Through experiential learning, they will grasp how these practices can influence their emotional well-being positively.

To access the complete lesson plan, please download the provided PDF document.



This lesson offers students valuable insights into the connection between their emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations. By engaging in mindful movement and exploring stillness, they gain practical tools for regulating their emotions effectively.

Through experiential learning, students not only learn to move with mindfulness but also understand the distinction between mindful walking and cultivating stillness. These skills empower them to navigate their emotional experiences with greater awareness and control.

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In the Classroom

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset



Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

Engage your students in critical thinking by delving into the narrative nuances of Ashley Spires’ “The Most Magnificent Thing.” If a physical copy isn’t available, a read-aloud video suffices. Following the reading, initiate a discussion centered around the following inquiries:

Reflections on Setbacks:

  • How did the protagonist respond upon realizing her creation wasn’t as magnificent as envisioned?
  • What insights did this experience offer regarding her mindset?

Epiphanies in Perseverance:

  • What pivotal realization occurred during the protagonist’s walk?
  • How did this insight contribute to her journey towards creating something truly magnificent?

Unveiling the Path to Success:

  • Analyze the steps taken by the protagonist in crafting her magnificent creation.
  • Identify the factors that propelled her towards achieving success, considering both internal and external influences.

Encourage students to dissect the narrative’s layers, fostering a deeper understanding of growth mindset principles and their profound impact on individual progress and achievement. Through thoughtful exploration, students can glean valuable lessons applicable to their own academic and personal endeavors.

Learning Objectives

To access the complete lesson plan, please download the PDF document provided.


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In the Classroom

Community Helpers



Initiate discussion on community helpers by prompting students to define the term. Once students have shared their thoughts, jot down on chart paper that community helpers offer services benefiting others in the community. Then, introduce the upcoming video, informing students that it will delve into various roles of helpers within their community.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify various community helpers and their essential tools for effective job performance.
  • Describe the contributions of community helpers and their significance to the community.

For the complete lesson plan, access the PDF download.


Download Full Lesson Plan: Community Helpers


By exploring the diverse roles of community helpers and understanding the tools essential for their tasks, students have gained insight into the invaluable contributions these individuals make to our communities. This knowledge fosters a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness and support network within society.

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